
Module Contents

exception geocat.f2py.errors.Error

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions in this module.

exception geocat.f2py.errors.AttributeError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the arguments of GeoCAT-comp functions argument has a mismatch of attributes with other arguments.

exception geocat.f2py.errors.ChunkError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when a Dask array is chunked in a way that is incompatible with an _ncomp function.

exception geocat.f2py.errors.CoordinateError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when a GeoCAT-comp function is passed a NumPy array as an argument without a required coordinate array being passed separately.

exception geocat.f2py.errors.DimensionError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the arguments of GeoCAT-comp functions argument has a mismatch of the necessary dimensionality.

exception geocat.f2py.errors.MetaError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the support for the retention of metadata is not supported.