


Package Contents


linint1(→ supported_types)

Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear

linint2(→ supported_types)

Interpolates a regular grid to a rectilinear one using bi-linear

linint2_points(fi, xo, yo, icycx[, msg, meta, xi, yi])

linint2pts(→ supported_types)

Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid or

fort2py_msg(ndarray[, msg_fort, msg_py])

py2fort_msg(ndarray[, msg_py, msg_fort])

moc_globe_atl(→ supported_types)

Facilitates calculating the meridional overturning circulation for the

rcm2points(→ supported_types)

Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an

rcm2rgrid(→ supported_types)

Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a

rgrid2rcm(→ supported_types)

Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid

grid2triple(x_in, y_in, data, msg_py)

grid_to_triple(→ supported_types)

Converts a two-dimensional grid with one-dimensional coordinate

triple2grid(x_in, y_in, data, x_out, y_out, **kwargs)

triple_to_grid(→ supported_types)

Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of

exception geocat.f2py.Error

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions in this module.

exception geocat.f2py.AttributeError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the arguments of GeoCAT-comp functions argument has a mismatch of attributes with other arguments.

exception geocat.f2py.ChunkError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when a Dask array is chunked in a way that is incompatible with an _ncomp function.

exception geocat.f2py.CoordinateError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when a GeoCAT-comp function is passed a NumPy array as an argument without a required coordinate array being passed separately.

exception geocat.f2py.DimensionError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the arguments of GeoCAT-comp functions argument has a mismatch of the necessary dimensionality.

exception geocat.f2py.MetaError

Bases: Error

Exception raised when the support for the retention of metadata is not supported.

geocat.f2py.linint1(fi: supported_types, xo: supported_types, xi: supported_types = None, icycx: numpy.number = 0, msg_py: numpy.number = None) supported_types

Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation across the rightmost dimension. The series may be cyclic in the X direction.

If missing values are present, then linint1 will perform the piecewise linear interpolation at all points possible, but will return missing values at coordinates which could not be used.

If any of the output coordinates xo are outside those of the input coordinates xi, the fo values at those coordinates will be set to missing (i.e. no extrapolation is performed).

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    An array of one or more dimensions. If xi is passed in as an argument, then the size of the rightmost dimension of fi must match the rightmost dimension of xi.

    If missing values are present, then linint1 will perform the piecewise linear interpolation at all points possible, but will return missing values at coordinates which could not be used.

    Note: This variable must be supplied as a xarray.DataArray in order to copy the dimension names to the output. Otherwise, default names will be used.

  • xo (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the X coordinates of the return array. It must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing, but may be unequally spaced.

    If the output coordinates xo are outside those of the input coordinates xi, then the fo values at those coordinates will be set to missing (i.e. no extrapolation is performed).

  • xi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    An array that specifies the X coordinates of the fi array. Most frequently, this array is one-dimensional. It must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing, but can be unequally spaced. If xi is multi-dimensional, then itsimensions must be the same as fi’s dimensions. If it is one-dimensional, its length must be the same as the rightmost (fastest varying) dimension of fi.

    Note: If fi is of type xarray.DataArray and xi is left unspecified, then the rightmost coordinate dimension of fi will be used. If fi is not of type xarray.DataArray, then xi becomes a mandatory parameter. This parameter must be specified as a keyword argument.

  • icycx (bool) – An option to indicate whether the rightmost dimension of fi is cyclic. This should be set to True only if you have global data, but your longitude values don’t quite wrap all the way around the globe. For example, if your longitude values go from, say, -179.75 to 179.75, or 0.5 to 359.5, then you would set this to True.

  • msg_py (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.


fo – The interpolated series. The returned value will have the same dimensions as fi, except for the rightmost dimension which will have the same dimension size as the length of xo. The return type will be double if fi is double, and float otherwise.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using linint1 with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp
fi_np = np.random.rand(80)  # random 80-element array
# xi does not have to be equally spaced, but it is
# in this example
xi = np.arange(80)
# create target coordinate array, in this case use the same
# min/max values as xi, but with different spacing
xo = np.linspace(xi.min(), xi.max(), 100)
# create :class:`xarray.DataArray` and chunk it using the
# full shape of the original array.
# note that xi is attached as a coordinate array
fi = xr.DataArray(fi_np,
                  coords={'x': xi}
fo = geocat.comp.linint1(fi, xo, icycx=0)
geocat.f2py.linint2(fi: supported_types, xo: supported_types, yo: supported_types, xi: supported_types = None, yi: supported_types = None, icycx: bool = 0, msg_py: numpy.number = None) supported_types

Interpolates a regular grid to a rectilinear one using bi-linear interpolation. The input grid may be cyclic in the x-direction. The interpolation is first performed in the x-direction, and then in the y-direction.

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    An array of two or more dimensions. If xi is passed in as an argument, then the size of the rightmost dimension of fi must match the rightmost dimension of xi. Similarly, if yi is passed in as an argument, then the size of the second-rightmost dimension of fi must match the rightmost dimension of yi.

    If missing values are present, then linint2 will perform the bilinear interpolation at all points possible, but will return missing values at coordinates which could not be used.

    Note: This variable must be supplied as a xarray.DataArray in order to copy the dimension names to the output. Otherwise, default names will be used.

  • xo (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the X-coordinates of the return array. It must be strictly monotonically increasing, but may be unequally spaced. For geo-referenced data, xo is generally the longitude array.

    If the output coordinates xo are outside those of the input coordinates xi, then the fo values at those coordinates will be set to missing (i.e. no extrapolation is performed).

  • yo (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the Y coordinates of the return array. It must be strictly monotonically increasing, but may be unequally spaced. For geo-referenced data, yo is typically the latitude array.

    If the output coordinates yo are outside those of the input coordinates yi, then the fo values at those coordinates will be set to missing (i.e. no extrapolation is performed).

  • xi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    An array that specifies the X-coordinates of the fi array. Most frequently, this is a 1D strictly monotonically increasing array that may be unequally spaced. In some cases, xi can be a multi-dimensional array (see next paragraph). The rightmost dimension (call it nxi) must have at least two elements, and is the last (fastest varying) dimension of fi.

    If xi is a multi-dimensional array, then each nxi subsection of xi must be strictly monotonically increasing, but may be unequally spaced. All but its rightmost dimension must be the same size as all but fi’s rightmost two dimensions. For geo-referenced data, xi is generally the longitude array.

    Note: If fi is of type xarray.DataArray and xi is left unspecified, then the rightmost coordinate dimension of fi will be used. If fi is not of type xarray.DataArray, then xi becomes a mandatory parameter. This parameter must be specified as a keyword argument.

  • yi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    An array that specifies the Y-coordinates of the fi array. Most frequently, this is a 1D strictly monotonically increasing array that may be unequally spaced. In some cases, yi can be a multi-dimensional array (see next paragraph). The rightmost dimension (call it nyi) must have at least two elements, and is the second-to-last dimension of fi.

    If yi is a multi-dimensional array, then each nyi subsection of yi must be strictly monotonically increasing, but may be unequally spaced. All but its rightmost dimension must be the same size as all but fi’s rightmost two dimensions. For geo-referenced data, yi is generally the latitude array.

    Note: If fi is of type xarray.DataArray and xi is left unspecified, then the second-to-rightmost coordinate dimension of fi will be used. If fi is not of type xarray.DataArray, then xi becomes a mandatory parameter. This parameter must be specified as a keyword argument.

  • icycx (bool) – An option to indicate whether the rightmost dimension of fi is cyclic. This should be set to True only if you have global data, but your longitude values don’t quite wrap all the way around the globe. For example, if your longitude values go from, say, -179.75 to 179.75, or 0.5 to 359.5, then you would set this to True.

  • msg_py (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.


fo – The interpolated grid. If the meta parameter is True, then the result will include named dimensions matching the input array. The returned value will have the same dimensions as fi, except for the rightmost two dimensions which will have the same dimension sizes as the lengths of yo and xo. The return type will be double if fi is double, and float otherwise.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using linint2 with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp
fi_np = np.random.rand(30, 80)  # random 30x80 array
# xi and yi do not have to be equally spaced, but they are
# in this example
xi = np.arange(80)
yi = np.arange(30)
# create target coordinate arrays, in this case use the same
# min/max values as xi and yi, but with different spacing
xo = np.linspace(xi.min(), xi.max(), 100)
yo = np.linspace(yi.min(), yi.max(), 50)
# create :class:`xarray.DataArray` and chunk it using the
# full shape of the original array.
# note that xi and yi are attached as coordinate arrays
fi = xr.DataArray(fi_np,
                  dims=['lat', 'lon'],
                  coords={'lat': yi, 'lon': xi}
fo = geocat.comp.linint2(fi, xo, yo, icycx=0)
geocat.f2py.linint2_points(fi, xo, yo, icycx, msg=None, meta=False, xi=None, yi=None)
geocat.f2py.linint2pts(fi: supported_types, xo: supported_types, yo: supported_types, icycx: bool = False, msg_py: numpy.number = None, xi: supported_types = None, yi: supported_types = None) supported_types

Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid or locations using bilinear interpolation.

The linint2pts function uses bilinear interpolation to interpolate from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid.

If missing values are present, then linint2pts will perform the piecewise linear interpolation at all points possible, but will return missing values at coordinates which could not be used.

If one or more of the four closest grid points to a particular (xo, yo) coordinate pair are missing, then the return value for this coordinate pair will be missing.

If the user inadvertently specifies output coordinates (xo, yo) that are outside those of the input coordinates (xi, yi), the output value at this coordinate pair will be set to missing as no extrapolation is performed.

linint2pts is different from linint2 in that xo and yo are coordinate pairs, and need not be monotonically increasing. It is also different in the dimensioning of the return array. This function could be used if the user wanted to interpolate gridded data to, say, the location of rawinsonde sites or buoy/xbt locations.

Warning: if xi contains longitudes, then the xo values must be in the same range. In addition, if the xi` values span 0 to 360, then the xo values must also be specified in this range (i.e. -180 to 180 will not work).

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – An array of two or more dimensions. The two rightmost dimensions (nyi x nxi) are the dimensions to be used in the interpolation. If user-defined missing values are present (other than NaNs), the value of msg_py must be set appropriately.

  • xo (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the X-coordinates of the unstructured grid.

  • yo (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the Y-coordinates of the unstructured grid. It must be the same length as xo.

  • icycx (bool) – An option to indicate whether the rightmost dimension of fi is cyclic. Default valus is 0. This should be set to True only if you have global data, but your longitude values don’t quite wrap all the way around the globe. For example, if your longitude values go from, say, -179.75 to 179.75, or 0.5 to 359.5, then you would set this to True.

  • msg_py (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.

  • xi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A strictly monotonically increasing array that specifies the X-coordinates of the fi array. xi might be defined as the coordinates of fi when fi is of type xarray.DataArray; in this case xi may not be explicitly given as a function argument.

  • yi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A strictly monotonically increasing array that specifies the Y [latitude] coordinates of the fi array. yi might be defined as the coordinates of fi when fi is of type xarray.DataArray; in this case yi may not be explicitly given as a function argument.


fo – The returned value will have the same dimensions as fi, except for the rightmost dimension which will have the same dimension size as the length of yo and xo.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using linint2pts with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp
fi_np = np.random.rand(30, 80)  # random 30x80 array
# xi and yi do not have to be equally spaced, but they are
# in this example
xi = np.arange(80)
yi = np.arange(30)
# create target coordinate arrays, in this case use the same
# min/max values as xi and yi, but with different spacing
xo = np.linspace(xi.min(), xi.max(), 100)
yo = np.linspace(yi.min(), yi.max(), 50)
# create :class:`xarray.DataArray` and chunk it using the
# full shape of the original array.
# note that xi and yi are attached as coordinate arrays
fi = xr.DataArray(fi_np,
                  dims=['lat', 'lon'],
                  coords={'lat': yi, 'lon': xi}
fo = geocat.comp.linint2pts(fi, xo, yo, 0)
geocat.f2py.fort2py_msg(ndarray, msg_fort=None, msg_py=None)
geocat.f2py.py2fort_msg(ndarray, msg_py=None, msg_fort=None)
geocat.f2py.moc_globe_atl(lat_aux_grid: supported_types, a_wvel: supported_types, a_bolus: supported_types, a_submeso: supported_types, t_lat: supported_types, rmlak: supported_types, msg: numpy.number = None, meta: bool = False) supported_types

Facilitates calculating the meridional overturning circulation for the globe and Atlantic.

  • lat_aux_grid (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Latitude grid for transport diagnostics.

  • a_wvel (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Area weighted Eulerian-mean vertical velocity [TAREA x WVEL].

  • a_bolus (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Area weighted Eddy-induced (bolus) vertical velocity [TAREA x WISOP].

  • a_submeso (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Area weighted submeso vertical velocity [TAREA x WSUBM].

  • tlat (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Array of t-grid latitudes.

  • rmlak (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Basin index number: [0]=Globe, [1]=Atlantic

  • msg (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.

  • meta (bool) – If set to True and the input array is an Xarray, the metadata from the input array will be copied to the output array; default is False. Warning: this option is not currently supported.


fo – A multi-dimensional array of size [moc_comp] x [n_transport_reg] x [kdepth] x [nyaux] where:

  • moc_comp refers to the three components returned

  • n_transport_reg refers to the Globe and Atlantic

  • kdepth is the the number of vertical levels of the work arrays

  • nyaux is the size of the lat_aux_grid

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


# Input data can be read from a data set as follows:
import xarray as xr

ds = xr.open_dataset("")

lat_aux_grid = ds.lat_aux_grid
a_wvel = ds.a_wvel
a_bolus = ds.a_bolus
a_submeso = ds.a_submeso
tlat = ds.tlat
rmlak = ds.rmlak

# (1) Calling with xArray inputs and default arguments (Missing value = np.nan, NO meta information)
out_arr = moc_globe_atl(lat_aux_grid, a_wvel, a_bolus, a_submeso, tlat, rmlak)

# (2) Calling with Numpy inputs and default arguments (Missing value = np.nan, NO meta information)
out_arr = moc_globe_atl(lat_aux_grid.values, a_wvel.values, a_bolus.values, a_submeso.values,
                        tlat.values, rmlak.values)

# (3) Calling with xArray inputs and user-defined arguments (Missing value = np.nan, NO meta information)
out_arr = moc_globe_atl(lat_aux_grid, a_wvel, a_bolus, a_submeso, tlat, rmlak, msg=-99.0, meta=True)

# (4) Calling with Numpy inputs and user-defined arguments (Missing value = np.nan, NO meta information)
out_arr = moc_globe_atl(lat_aux_grid.values, a_wvel.values, a_bolus.values, a_submeso.values,
                        tlat.values, rmlak.values, msg=-99.0, meta=True)
geocat.f2py.rcm2points(lat2d: supported_types, lon2d: supported_types, fi: supported_types, lat1d: supported_types, lon1d: supported_types, opt: numpy.number = 0, msg: numpy.number = None, meta: bool = False) supported_types

Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid.

Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid, such as those used by the RCM (Regional Climate Model), WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) and NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis) models/datasets to an unstructured grid. All of these have latitudes that are oriented south-to-north. An inverse distance squared algorithm is used to perform the interpolation. Missing values are allowed and no extrapolation is performed.

  • lat2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the latitudes locations of fi. The latitude order must be south-to-north. Because this array is two-dimensional it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi, so it should always be explicitly provided.

  • lon2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the longitude locations of fi. The longitude order must be west-to-east. Because this array is two-dimensional it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi, so it should always be explicitly provided.

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A multi-dimensional array to be interpolated. The rightmost two dimensions (latitude, longitude) are the dimensions to be interpolated.

  • lat1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the latitude coordinates of the output locations.

  • lon1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the longitude coordinates of the output locations.

  • opt (numpy.number) – opt=0 or 1 means use an inverse distance weight interpolation. opt=2 means use a bilinear interpolation.

  • msg (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.

  • meta (bool) – If set to True and the input array is an Xarray, the metadata from the input array will be copied to the output array; default is False. Warning: This option is not currently supported.


fo – The interpolated grid. A multi-dimensional array of the same size as fi except that the rightmost dimension sizes have been replaced by the number of coordinate pairs (lat1d, lon1d).

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray

geocat.f2py.rcm2rgrid(lat2d: supported_types, lon2d: supported_types, fi: supported_types, lat1d: supported_types, lon1d: supported_types, msg: numpy.number = None, meta: bool = False) supported_types

Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid.

Interpolates RCM (Regional Climate Model), WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) and NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis) grids to a rectilinear grid. Actually, this function will interpolate most grids that use curvilinear latitude/longitude grids. No extrapolation is performed beyond the range of the input coordinates. Missing values are allowed but ignored.

The weighting method used is simple inverse distance squared. Missing values are allowed but ignored.

The code searches the input curvilinear grid latitudes and longitudes for the four grid points that surround a specified output grid coordinate. Because one or more of these input points could contain missing values, fewer than four points could be used in the interpolation.

Curvilinear grids which have two-dimensional latitude and longitude coordinate axes present some issues because the coordinates are not necessarily monotonically increasing. The simple search algorithm used by rcm2rgrid is not capable of handling all cases. The result is that, sometimes, there are small gaps in the interpolated grids. Any interior points not interpolated in the initial interpolation pass will be filled using linear interpolation.

In some cases, edge points may not be filled.

  • lat2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the latitudes locations of the input (fi). Because this array is two-dimensional, it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi; therefore, it always needs to be explicitly provided. The latitude order must be south-to-north.

  • lon2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the longitudes locations of the input (fi). Because this array is two-dimensional, it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi; therefore, it always needs to be explicitly provided. The latitude order must be west-to-east.

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A multi-dimensional array to be interpolated. The rightmost two dimensions (latitude, longitude) are the dimensions to be interpolated.

  • lat1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the latitude coordinates of the regular grid. Must be monotonically increasing.

  • lon1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the longitude coordinates of the regular grid. Must be monotonically increasing.

  • msg (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.

  • meta (bool) – If set to True and the input array is an Xarray, the metadata from the input array will be copied to the output array; default is False. Warning: This option is not currently supported.


fo – The interpolated grid. A multi-dimensional array of the same size as fi except that the rightmost dimension sizes have been replaced by the sizes of lat1d and lon1d, respectively.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using rcm2rgrid with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data stream
ds = xr.open_dataset("./")

# [INPUT] Grid & data info on the source curvilinear

# [OUTPUT] Grid on destination rectilinear grid (or read the 1D lat and lon from
#          an other .nc file.
newlat1D_rect=np.linspace(lat2D_curv.min(), lat2D_curv.max(), 100)
newlon1D_rect=np.linspace(lon2D_curv.min(), lon2D_curv.max(), 100)

ht_rect = geocat.comp.rcm2rgrid(lat2D_curv, lon2D_curv, ht_curv, newlat1D_rect, newlon1D_rect)
geocat.f2py.rgrid2rcm(lat1d: supported_types, lon1d: supported_types, fi: supported_types, lat2d: supported_types, lon2d: supported_types, msg: numpy.number = None, meta: bool = False) supported_types

Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets.

Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid, such as those used by the RCM (Regional Climate Model), WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) and NARR (North American Regional Reanalysis) models/datasets. No extrapolation is performed beyond the range of the input coordinates. The method used is simple inverse distance weighting. Missing values are allowed but ignored.

  • lat1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the latitude coordinates of the regular grid. Must be monotonically increasing.

    Note: It should only be explicitly provided when the input (fi) is numpy.ndarray; otherwise, it should come from fi.coords.

  • lon1d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the longitude coordinates of the regular grid. Must be monotonically increasing.

    Note: It should only be explicitly provided when the input (fi) is numpy.ndarray; otherwise, it should come from fi.coords.

  • fi (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A multi-dimensional array to be interpolated. The rightmost two dimensions (latitude, longitude) are the dimensions to be interpolated.

  • lat2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the latitude locations of the input (fi). Because this array is two-dimensional it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi.

  • lon2d (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A two-dimensional array that specifies the longitude locations of the input (fi). Because this array is two-dimensional it is not an associated coordinate variable of fi.

  • msg (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represents a missing value in fi. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.

  • meta (bool) – If set to True and the input array is an Xarray, the metadata from the input array will be copied to the output array; default is False. Warning: this option is not currently supported.


fo – The interpolated grid. A multi-dimensional array of the same size as fi except that the rightmost dimension sizes have been replaced by the sizes of lat2d (or lon2d).

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using rgrid2rcm with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data stream
# input grid and data
ds_rect = xr.open_dataset("./")

# [INPUT] Grid & data info on the source rectilinear
ht_rect   =ds_rect.SOME_FIELD[:]

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data stream
# for output grid
ds_curv = xr.open_dataset("./")

# [OUTPUT] Grid on destination curvilinear grid (or read the 2D lat and lon from
#          an other .nc file

ht_curv = geocat.comp.rgrid2rcm(lat1D_rect, lon1D_rect, ht_rect, newlat2D_curv, newlon2D_curv)
geocat.f2py.grid2triple(x_in, y_in, data, msg_py)
geocat.f2py.grid_to_triple(data: supported_types, x_in: supported_types = None, y_in: supported_types = None, msg_py: supported_types = None) supported_types

Converts a two-dimensional grid with one-dimensional coordinate variables to an array where each grid value is associated with its coordinates.

  • data (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – Two-dimensional input array of size ny x mx containing the data values. Missing values may be present in data, but they are ignored.

  • x_in (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the the right dimension coordinates of the input (data).

    Note: It should only be explicitly provided when the input (fi) is numpy.ndarray; otherwise, it should come from fi.coords.

  • y_in (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) –

    A one-dimensional array that specifies the the left dimension coordinates of the input (data).

    Note: It should only be explicitly provided when the input (fi) is numpy.ndarray; otherwise, it should come from fi.coords.

  • msg_py (numpy.number) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in data. This argument allows a user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays, similar to what NCL allows.


out – The maximum size of the returned array will be 3 x ld, where ld <= ny x mx. If no missing values are encountered in data, then ld = ny x mx. If missing values are encountered in data, they are not returned and hence ld will be equal to ny x mx minus the number of missing values found in data.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using grid_to_triple with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data stream
ds = xr.open_dataset("./")

# [INPUT] Grid & data info on the source curvilinear
data = ds.DIST_236_CBL[:]
x_in = ds.gridlat_236[:]
y_in = ds.gridlon_236[:]

output = geocat.comp.grid_to_triple(data, x_in, y_in)
geocat.f2py.triple2grid(x_in, y_in, data, x_out, y_out, **kwargs)
geocat.f2py.triple_to_grid(data: supported_types, x_in: supported_types, y_in: supported_types, x_out: supported_types, y_out: supported_types, method: int = 1, domain: float = 1.0, distmx: float = None, missing_value: numpy.number = None, meta: bool = False) supported_types

Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid.

This function puts unstructured data (randomly-spaced) onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid. A default value of domain option is now set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.

This function does not perform interpolation; rather, each individual data point is assigned to the nearest grid point. It is possible that upon return, grid will contain grid points set to missing value if no x_in(n), y_in(n) are nearby.

  • data (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A multi-dimensional array, whose rightmost dimension is the same length as x_in and y_in, containing the values associated with the “x” and “y” coordinates. Missing values may be present but will be ignored.

  • x_in (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the x-coordinate associated with the input (data).

  • y_in (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array that specifies the y-coordinate associated with the input (data).

  • x_out (xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array of length M containing the x-coordinates associated with the returned two-dimensional grid. The coordinate values must be monotonically increasing.

  • y_out (xarray.DataArray or numpy.ndarray) – A one-dimensional array of length N containing the y-coordinates associated with the returned two-dimensional grid. The coordinate values must be monotonically increasing.

  • method (int, optional) – An integer value that can be 0 or 1. The default value is 1. A value of 1 means to use the great circle distance formula for distance calculations. Warning: method = 0, together with domain = 1.0, could result in many of the target grid points to be set to the missing value if the number of grid points is large (ie: a high resolution grid) and the number of observations relatively small.

  • domain (float, optional) – A float value that should be set to a value >= 0. The default value is 1.0. If present, the larger this factor, the wider the spatial domain allowed to influence grid boundary points. Typically, domain is 1.0 or 2.0. If domain <= 0.0, then values located outside the grid domain specified by x_out and y_out arguments will not be used.

  • distmx (float, optional) – Setting distmx allows the user to specify a search radius (km) beyond which observations are not considered for nearest neighbor. Only applicable when method = 1. The default distmx=1e20 (km) means that every grid point will have a nearest neighbor. It is suggested that users specify a reasonable value for distmx.

  • missing_value (numpy.number, optional) – A numpy scalar value that represent a missing value in data. The default value is np.nan. If specified explicitly, this argument allows the user to use a missing value scheme other than NaN or masked arrays.

  • meta (bool, optional) – If set to True and the input array is an Xarray, the metadata from the input array will be copied to the output array; default is False. Warning: This option is not yet supported for this function.


grid – The returned array will be K x N x M, where K represents the leftmost dimensions of data, N represent the size of y_out, and M represent the size of x_out coordinate vectors.

Return type

xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray


Example 1: Using triple_to_grid with xarray.DataArray input

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import geocat.comp

# Open a netCDF data file using xarray default engine and load the data stream
ds = xr.open_dataset("./")

# [INPUT] Grid & data info on the source curvilinear
data = ds.DIST_236_CBL[:]
x_in = ds.gridlat_236[:]
y_in = ds.gridlon_236[:]
x_out = ds.gridlat_236[:]
y_out = ds.gridlon_236[:]

# [OUTPUT] Grid on destination points grid (or read the 1D lat and lon from
# another .nc file.
newlat1D_points=np.linspace(lat2D_curv.min(), lat2D_curv.max(), 100)
newlon1D_points=np.linspace(lon2D_curv.min(), lon2D_curv.max(), 100)

output = geocat.comp.triple_to_grid(data, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out)